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m the shuttle. The only way Bauer would be sure that his transmission was received would be to tap into the shuttle-NASA transmissions. When he heard Reeds voice, he would know. Traveling at 17,500 miles per hour at an altitude of 202 miles, Discovery was on its fourth orbit around the earth. Stowing away her temporary seat, Megan Olson worked her way out of her launch/entry suit and into comfortable overalls studded with Velcro-lined pockets. She noted that her face and upper body were puffy. Virtually every wrinkle had disappeared and her waistline had shrunk a good two inches. This occurred because there was little gravity to pull down blood and bodily fluids. After four to six hours, the excess fluids would be removed through the kidneys. With the help of her teammates, Carter and Wallace, Megan activated the shuttles power, air conditioning, lights, and communications. The payload bay doors were opened to release the heat built up by the firing of the solid rocket booster and main engines during liftoff. They would stay open for the duration of the mission and help regulate the temperature inside the orbiter. As she worked, Megan listened to the chatter among the commander, Bill Karol, the pilot, Frank Stone, and mission control. It was all routine give-and-take about the shuttles status, speed, and position--- until she heard Karols puzzled voice. Dylan, are you copying this? Roger that. Whats up? Something just came in over the circuits for you. But there was no mission-control input. Megan heard Reed chuckle. Probably one of my lab guys slipped on a headset. Whats the message? Apparently theres been a change in the order of your experiments. Megans been bumped to number four. You take the opening slot. Hey, thats not fair, Megan spoke up. Been listening in, have you? Reed said. Dont worry about it, Megan. Youll make your bones. I know. But why the change? Im checking the schedule right now. Im on my way up. Drifting in microgravity, Megan maneuvered her way up the ladder to the flight deck. Reed was suspended like a diver in neutral buoyancy behind the pilot and the commander, checking his log. Glancing up, he remarked, You look ten years younger. Please, five years. And I feel bloated. Whats up? Reed passed her the log. Its a last-minute schedule change I forgot to mention. Im going to run the critter tests first and get them out of the way. Then you can have the place all to yourself and your Legionnaires disease microbes. I was really hoping to get into it first thing, Megan replied. Yeah, I know. First trip. All the excitement. But if I were you, Id grab some sack time while I slave over a hot petri dish. Would you like a hand with the tests? Appreciate the thought, but no thanks. Reed took back the log. Well, Id better go open up the Factory. The Factory was the crews nickname for the Spacelab. On the monitor, Megan watched Reed maneuver his way to the mid-deck, then float into the tunnel that connected to the Spacelab. It never fai.

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