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enning passed by the lone recovered bullion crate, still being cleaned up after a fashion. He paused long enough for a cursory glance, slightly intimidated by the two burly, armed sailors guarding the rust-encrusted rectangular box.
Hi, Doc, one of the guards greeted him. He noticed Henning eyeing the crate almost distastefully. Hard to imagine theres enough in there to buy every guy on this ship a Rolls-Royce, he said.
Yeah, the other sailor said, provided it aint haunted like where it came from.
Henning smiled to himself. He had advised Cornell and Bixenman to let the crew know, in outline at least, what was happening 12,500 feet below Chase, and they had followed his recommendation. The men seemed to be taking it in stride.
He left the guards and continued on his errand, finding Bixenman pacing the bridge. Henning repeated the admirals instructions.
Did he tell you what its about? the captain asked.
Henning sensed the bridge personnel watching him. He motioned toward the open starboard-bridge wing, and Bixenman moved outside with him.
Im afraid hes going to keep going after that damn gold, Henning said bluntly when they were alone.
And you think hes crazy.
Both as a psychiatrist and a parapsychologist, yes.
Did he say hed order more dives in so many words?
He hinted at it.
Then I think youd better wait and see what he has in mind specifically before you jump to conclusions.
Let me tell you something, Captain. In a few minutes, Im going to be in the officers mess announcing to you and all personnel concerned what is really throwing overalls in their chowder. Cornell already knows what Im going to say and apparently thinks he should ignore it.
The captains eyes narrowed. Ignore what?
I have to tell you when I tell the others, not that itll make any difference. Cornell will probably give you a speech about duty, youll say aye, aye, sir, and poor Ozzie Mitchell will have to lead four other divers right back into that hellhole again. And for what? Because Admiral Cornell is afraid to admit the Navy is up against something its weapons and tactics cant handle. Do a few crates of bullion mean more to him than his people?
Bixenmans pale blue eyes turned icy. Let me tell you something, Ben. Theres no flag officer in this or any other navy more compassionate, and more dedicated to the men under him than Roger Cornell. He wont squander any more lives for that gold. But if there is any way to get inside cargo hold three with a minimum of risk, hell grab it. What else should we expect from the man? Hes in command of a mission thats been ordered to recover that gold. The orders came from the President. If he called it off right now and the real reason for failure ever leaked out, the fleet would become the laughingstock of every son of a bitch in Washington. Try explaining to the politicians and the news media how the worlds best-equipped deep-sea salvage vessel came home empty because of a haunted ship. Thats what Cornells afraid of here: They can laugh at .