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 Authentic Italian Recipes The driver was standing outside, smoking. To passing joggers and dog walkers, he appeared to be waiting for a client. In the cool stillness of the interior, Beria reviewed all the information on Smith. His principal wanted the American doctor out of the way quickly. But Authentic Italian Recipes there were obstacles. Smith did not cinnimon bread machine recipes

to an office. His home appeared to have good security. Therefore, the execution would have to be done out in the open, wherever an opportunity presented itself. Another problem was the unpredictability of Smiths movements once he was outside Authentic Italian Recipes his home. He had no set schedule, so the principal could not fried dill pickle recipes

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important, he had no inkling that he was in any kind of danger. Beria checked his watch; forty-five minutes had elapsed since hed arrived. The Lincoln listed as Authentic Italian Recipes the driver got back behind the wheel. Smiths coming out. Beria looked through the windshield down the street where a navy blue sedan was backing free easy cookie recipes

of a garage. According to the principal, this was Smiths vehicle. And we begin, Beria said softly. As Smith drove into the city, Authentic Italian Recipes he constantly checked his mirrors. After a few miles he tagged the black Lincoln that changed lanes whenever he did. He called Kirov on the cell. Its the Lincoln from the dinner recipes using ground turkey breast

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for an important appointment, a man preoccupied, his guard Authentic Italian Recipes down, easy prey. He wanted the assassin to focus on him to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. That way, he would never see Kirov coming. Hes in a hurry, Beria thought. Why? Hes headed for Dupont Circle, the driver said, keeping his original oyster restaurant recipes

on the traffic. Beria Authentic Italian Recipes frowned. His apartment was in that area. Could Smith have already discovered it? Was that his destination? The sedan picked up speed on Connecticut Avenue, turned left on R Street, and then right on Twenty-first Street. Wheres he going? The sedan slowed as Smith approached the top of Authentic Italian Recipes the triangle at S looking for zucchini recipes

Beria watched him park the car in a lot, then cross Twenty-first Street. This area, with its Eastern European restaurants and shops, was familiar to him. Since arriving in Washington, it was the only place he had ventured into where he Authentic Italian Recipes felt comfortable. Hes here to try to pick up the scent. free easy cookie recipes

maybe someone saw my picture. Beria had seen the police composite on the news. He thought it a poor rendering, nothing like him at all. But maybe someone had seen him in the area, even though Authentic Italian Recipes Beria rarely left his apartment until after dark. No. If he suspects Im here, he would not  Authentic Italian Recipeseasy spanish recipes

come alone. Hes not sure. Hes guessing. Stay where I can find you, Beria told the driver. The driver pointed to a restaurant called Dunns River Falls. Ill be in the Authentic Italian Recipes lot. Stepping out of the car, Beria trotted across the street in time to see Smith duck under an archway bordered by a home recipes for energy food drink

and a poster shop. Now he knew exactly where his quarry was headed: the small quadrangle between Twenty-first Street and Florida Avenue. He Authentic Italian Recipes thought it quite clever of Smith to hunt him in a place that Beria might naturally gravitate to. But it was also a location Beri.

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