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starring role. They offered a cold choice: exposure or cooperation. Because of the proprietary nature of Bauer-Zermatts research, every employee had to sign a strictly worded contract whose provisions included a morals clause. Treloars tormenters made a point of Browned Hamburger Recipes reminding him about that as they replayed the video. They drove him crock pot hamburger recipes

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to try to find another job anywhere in the medical research community. Treloar was given forty-eight hours to consider his choices. He wasted the first twenty-four doing just Browned Hamburger Recipes that. Then, as he looked into a future that held nothing but ruins, he realized that his blackmailers had overreached: they had placed him crock pot hamburger recipes

a position where he had nothing to lose by fighting back. By virtue of his seniority at Bauer-Zermatt, Treloar was able to Browned Hamburger Recipes secure a meeting with Dr. Karl Bauer himself. In the elegant surroundings of Bauers Zurich office, he laid out his trespasses and the way in which he was being blackmailed. crock pot hamburger recipes

offered to make amends any way he could. To Treloars surprise, Bauer seemed nonplussed at the Browned Hamburger Recipes turn of events that had befallen his wayward employee. He listened without comment, then instructed Treloar to come back the next morning. To this day, Treloar had no idea what had transpired behind the scenes. The following chicken breast recipes for the slow cooker

when he appeared before Bauer, he was told that Browned Hamburger Recipes he would never hear from the blackmailers again. Evidence of his peccadilloes was no longer in the public domain. There would be no repercussions--- ever. But there would be recompense. Bauer informed Treloar that in return for saving his future in the medical crock pot hamburger recipes

community, Treloar would Browned Hamburger Recipes soon leave the company. An employment offer would arrive from NASA; he would accept it. His colleagues would be told that he was seizing the chance to do the kind of research he could never be involved in if he stayed at Bauer-Zermatt. Once he Browned Hamburger Recipes arrived at NASA, he recipes for stuffed zucchini

place himself at the disposal of Dr. Dylan Reed. Reed would be his guide and mentor, and Treloar would obey him without question. Treloar recalled the cold, precise way in which Bauer had handed down his edict. He remembered the flash of Browned Hamburger Recipes anger, then the amusement in Bauers eyes when Treloar had crock pot hamburger recipes

asked what kind of research he would be doing at NASA. Your work will be of secondary concern, Bauer had told him. It is your connection to your mother, to Russia, that interests me. You will Browned Hamburger Recipes be seeing her on a regular basis, I think. Treloar shouldered his way against the wind as tequila drink recipes

turned away from the bright light.

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