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Another eyewitness says, Broke in two, after part righted itself, then down. Yet heres a survivor who insists, No breaking up-went straight down.
Montague looked up from his notes and continued. Im sure were all aware that eyewitness accounts are notoriously unreliable, simply because people Canned Turkey Recipes looking at an identical event will where do i find recipes using ground beef
things differently, especially under stress. What Ive done to clarify the picture a bit is to tabulate the statements of those who claimed the Titanic broke in two as she sank and those who swore she stayed intact throughout Canned Turkey Recipes the final plunge. The former outnumber the latter by a ratio of where do i find recipes using ground beef
three to one. Seems conclusive enough for me, Lefferts observed. If shes in two pieces, does that complicate matters? It was Hawke who answered. It could, but we wont know for sure until we find Canned Turkey Recipes her. Derek, whats the consensus on where she broke up? Im afraid there is no consensus, Montague replied. The sesame chicken recipes
accounts vary too much. Between the third and the fourth funnels, according to some; aft of the fourth funnel, according to others. A ship in two sections, Canned Turkey Recipes I venture to say, would make our task more difficult, for it would point to far greater damage than weve been hoping for. It was mexican shrimp cocktail recipes
Chaneys voice that dissolved the tension. Well, Ive read the same source material Derek told me hes been using-the transcripts of Canned Turkey Recipes the British Board of Trade inquiry and the U.S. Senate hearings. I agree the evidence is confusing, yet its not as inconclusive as it might appear. Only a handful of kids halloween party recipes punch brew
claimed the Titanic sank intact. Derek, I think she broke up at a point about Canned Turkey Recipes two-thirds of her length, or just behind the fourth funnel. And Im willing to bet well find both sections, maybe several hundred yards apart, with the larger or forward section resting upright on the ocean floor. Debbi, bread machine black olive bread recipes
do you think the main section is upright? Hawke Canned Turkey Recipes asked. Because all that heavy machinery tearing loose toward the bow would have made her descent almost perpendicular. And when her nose hit the bottom, I figure she just settled back on an even keel. I wouldnt vouch for the other third-the stern-to free jambalaya recipes
upright. Its very Canned Turkey Recipes possible that itll be on its side. But its the forward part youre interested in, isnt it?
Hawke nodded. Cargo hold three, according to the blue prints Derek obtained, is located ahead of the first funnel on orlop D, or the lowest deck.
Montague said quickly, Where Canned Turkey Recipes the first funnel used pulled pork crock pot recipes
be, of course. We have to assume all the funnels separated from the ship when she sank; thats one thing upon which the eyewitnesses generally seemed to have agreed. Lefferts had a sudden inspiration. Four missing funnels would result in four very Canned Turkey Recipes large holes. How far down did those oversized smokestacks go? pulled pork crock pot recipes
to me, theyd offer some easy entry points. Hawke looked at Montague. Ill let you disillusion him, Derek. Montague said, The funnels went down all the way to the boilers, and I assume there are, indeed, four Canned Turkey Recipes large holes topside. But I dont think theyre wide enough to accommodate our s.