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Gillespie, right behind him, almost gasped at the very emptiness of what had been the last word in ocean-travel luxury: no sign of beds, blankets, nightstands, dressing tables, or anything else except the light fixtures on the ceiling and on the wall over where the Cookie Recipes From The1970s beds must have rested. Jackman poked free jello salad recipes
strobe into a closet, half-expecting to see clothes still hanging there. Nothing left, he said laconically. Not even the hangers. They must have been wood hangers, Gillespie said. Whats that in the back of the closet? Those little bright objects that Cookie Recipes From The1970s seem to be in some kind of a web? Jackmans arm claws, with crock pot chicken thigh recipes
dexterity, plucked at the material until it came loose from the back of the closet wall, and held it under the light of Gillespies strobe. It appears to be some kind of fabric, Gillespie Cookie Recipes From The1970s said. What are the shiny things? Lieutenant Carlson had joined them. Beads, she said. Or, to be more exact, sequins. small crockpot recipes
holding what remains of a womans evening gown. She paused with a sudden thought. The lady who owned it might have gone to dinner in that dress Cookie Recipes From The1970s the night the Titanic sank.
Tuttle called out, Hey, look what I found!
His claws were holding up a small rectangular object, which Mitchell was examining.
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brass plate, Mitchell said. Turn it over, Gillespie suggested. A Twenty-seven, Mitchell read. This was stateroom A Twenty-seven. Wonder who was in it? Someone Cookie Recipes From The1970s very rich, Jackman said. Bill, any idea who was assigned to A Twenty-seven? Not a clue. Most of the wealthy passengers were on C deck, people like the Astors and Mr. chocolate chip zucchini bread recipes
Mrs. Straus. Benjamin Guggenheim and his valet were assigned to B deck. If we can Cookie Recipes From The1970s get down there, well look for B Eighty-two-Eighty-four and B Eighty-six. Mitchell said admiringly, What kind of homework did you do-memorize the entire passenger manifest? No, just the numbers of certain cabins, in case we got any access small crockpot recipes
them. Ghoulish curiosity, I guess. Carlson had been taking pictures Cookie Recipes From The1970s of the light fixtures and a close-up of the cabin number. For a first-class stateroom, she said, this place seems awfully small. Gillespie explained, Small by todays standards, but large by 1912 standards. Actually, the fanciest accommodations were on B deck, a three-room mojito drink recipes
with its own Cookie Recipes From The1970s private promenade. Numbers B Fifty-one, Fifty-three, and Fifty-five, if I remember correctly. Which reminds me, I wonder if we could get into A Thirty-six. Why A Thirty-six? Jackman asked. That was the stateroom occupied by Thomas Andrews, the Titanics chief designer. His cabin was a last-minute modification Cookie Recipes From The1970s and wasnt even shown mojito drink recipes
any deck plans, including the ones we have. White Star told passenger agents not to book anyone in that stateroom on the maiden voyage because it was reserved for Andrews. A Thirty-six should be around here somewhere, Mitchell said. Gillespie was trying to Cookie Recipes From The1970s remember what he had read about that particular cabin. No, popular hamburger recipes
said, were on the starboard side. A Thirty-six was portside, closer to the Grand Staircase than we are right now. Andrews chose A Thirty-six because it was centrally located and gave him easy access to Cookie Recipes From The1970s the stairs and corridors of the lower decks. There were a series of staircases directly under chocolate chip zucchini bread recipes
Grand Staircase where we entered, but I assume theres nothing left of them either. We might try moving up this corridor a little farther, Mitchell proposed, then go portside. They did Cookie Recipes From The1970s try, but could proceed only a few feet beyond A27; from that point on, the corridor ceiling and walls had collapsed completely dill pickle chips recipes
all that faced them was tangled metal. We might as well go back, Jackman said, unless, Bill, you want me to use the lasers Cookie Recipes From The1970s and clear some kind of path. No, well just try the other side. It was heavy going. Every step seemed to dislodge particles of debris and rust, giving them the small crockpot recipes
they .
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