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It was a framed quotation
I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harms way.
John Paul Jones
Chapter 13
A fortnight after the Westin meeting, Gillespie found his parapsychologist, a highly recommended psychiatrist named J. Benjamin Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes Henning of Los Angeles.
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by phone and visualized Henning as a stuffy, painfully suspicious little man wearing the musty aroma of ancient books on Satanism, witchcraft, and poltergeists. Hennings voice was guarded almost to the point of belligerence, as if he expected Gillespie Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes to burst out laughing momentarily at anyone who would consider parapsychology a low carb ground beef recipes
The oceanographer was guarded, too, torn between wanting to arouse Hennings interest and remembering Admiral Cornells warning-Dont tell anyone too much. So they dueled warily for some minutes until Gillespie tired of the Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes game.
Look, this has to do with a certain ship ... uh, some strange happenings ... and, uh, lets emeril chicken recipes
unique occurrences of an unexplainable nature. Henning sounded the type to have hung up by then, except he had seemed intrigued by Gillespies having identified himself as the Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He perked up at the mention of a certain ship. Not the Queen Mary, the one docked at easy dinner recipes
Beach? he asked. Shes supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a woman passenger who apparently died violently aboard her Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes on a voyage back in the thirties. Never investigated that one myself, but I know colleagues who- Its not the Queen Mary, Gillespie interrupted. Its- He mentally consigned Roger Cornell to italian cannoli recipes
and took the plunge. Its the Titanic. Silence. Gillespie thought Henning had hung up. Now thats interesting, Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes the doctor finally allowed. Tell me more. I cant discuss it on the phone. I think we should meet. Is it possible for you to come to Woods Hole? This time, Henning sounded more annoyed than interested. Look, chicken florentine recipes
profession, Im a practicing psychiatrist. Parapsychology is more an Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes avocation than anything else. Ive got patients to consider; I cant come traipsing across the country just because you mentioned the Titanic. Not unless I get some idea of what this is about. The only thing I can tell you is that this top secret restaurant recipes 2
involves the U.S. Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes Navy and is completely hush-hush. It goes without saying, Dr. Henning, that the Navy will pay all travel expenses, plus a mutually acceptable fee. Id go to Los Angeles myself, but Im already involved in this ... ah ... project and cant get away. Its hard Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes for me to get chicken florentine recipes
too. What kind of a project is this, anyway? Is the Navy going to raise the damned thing. Why would you need a parapsychologist for that? Im not at liberty to say. Gillespie hoped evasion would intrigue Henning more than an outright Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes disclosure. He was rewarded by another moment of silence. Then: Has italian cannoli recipes
Navy seen something unusual down there? Not the Navy. Someone else. If that doesnt do it, Gillespie thought, nothing will. There was the sound of paper being torn from a pad. Exactly where is Woods Hole? Dr. J. Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes Benjamin Henning inquired. Five days later, in Gillespies office, Henning heard from Derek Montague himself the tale crock pot chicken recipes
the Martin Lefferts expedition. Thats the damnedest story I ever heard, he announced. Gillespie smiled. He remembered saying the same thing to Admiral Cornell. Well, he said, at least you didnt Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes laugh. Henning regarded them with surprise. Why should I laugh? Its fascinating. But I dont think youre dealing with any psychic phenomena here. chicken florentine recipes
fact, Mr. Montague, everything youve told me could be explained away. The succession of bad luck in the form of so-called mysterious malfunctions, Cool Halloween Party Treat Recipes for example. Anything thats man-made has the potential of breaking down for no apparent reason, whether its a complex piece of machinery or a toaster. Your giant creatures emeril chicken recipes
whos to say a shark cant grow to freakish size? Henning lean.
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