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problem for your Mr. Boyd. Yes, it is. To be welcomed into the circles of this old Hong Kong wealth, any newcomer must have quite a lot of money indeed. So Mr. Boyd began collecting lists of aging, wealthy men Dill Pickle Relish Recipes around the world. Perhaps there was a way to do business after recipes restaurant troy michigan official web site

a judiciously placed heir. He found his man, an American; Mr. X, Ill call him. No names, eh? Salvant grinned. Not just yet, Im afraid. This Mr. X was a storied chaser of women. Mr. Dill Pickle Relish Recipes Boyd hired a detective to see if there was any truth to rumors of his past. The detective grilled hawaiian chicken recipes

there was circumstantial evidence pointing to at least one bastard child, a son-by a woman from Lake Charles, Louisiana-about halfway between Houston and New Orleans. The woman Dill Pickle Relish Recipes was later killed in a car accident that may have been murder. The son, who would now be forty, was most likely born in hamburger casserole recipes

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list of twenty-two white male babies who were given up or abandoned by their mothers Dill Pickle Relish Recipes in New Orleans in late January 1948 and early February 1949. This was the critical period, depending on the length of pregnancy. I was born about January twenty-eighth, they think. You were on the list, one of nine recipes restaurant troy michigan official web site

the orphans our detective could not find. When my Dill Pickle Relish Recipes employer spotted your ad in the International Herald, he knew it was good fung shui. Fung shui? That means something like luck or fortune, but a lot more than that also. Not only were the heirs of Mr. Xs estate willing to do business, quick crockpot recipes

the Central Intelligence Dill Pickle Relish Recipes Agency is also indebted to Mr. Boyd so that if, say, a half-billion dollars were to be willed to Mr. Xs long-lost, illegitimate son, there would be no inheritance taxes. The matter of the taxes, incidentally, has already been agreed upon. A half-billion dollars? Salvant was Dill Pickle Relish Recipes incredulous. What on earth easy sugar cookie recipes

Boyd do to earn that kind of money? Ho shrugged. Services rendered is accurate enough. Some of Mr. Boyds dealings are quite complicated. Mr. Boyd would like to hire you to be the fortunate heir, Mr. Salvant. What? Me? Heir to a half-billion dollars Dill Pickle Relish Recipes which, of course, will really belong to Mr. Boyd. This easy sugar cookie recipes

be until 1997. And then? Then the colony reverts to China. We dont know, really, what will happen after that. The feeling is not much will change. The Chinese assure us it wont. Well see. You would Dill Pickle Relish Recipes live like a-Stanley Ho paused-prudent millionaire. You would move to Hong Kong. You would be given disney drink recipes

house and a car, plus a companion wholl double as a bodyguard. Salvant looked startled. Bodyguard? For what? When youre worth a half-billion dollars youre a prime target for kidnappers. Theres Dill Pickle Relish Recipes no way we can completely avoid that problem. It exists for all wealthy people. I see. The sun was now a sliver of hamburger and sausage meatball recipes

over the Atlantic that hovered, blinking, ready to surrender to the horizon. Youre not prepared to tell me who Mr. X is, I Dill Pickle Relish Recipes take it. Stanley Ho said, If I told you now, you would anticipate the gentlemans passing, wouldnt you? You might behave differently or say things you might not ordinarily hamburger casserole recipes

I think thats human nature, Mr. Salvant. For this to be believable to the public, youll have Dill Pickle Relish Recipes to be properly surprised. Mr. Xs legitimate heirs and Mr. Boyd are a.

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