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Bond spent a minimal three minutes listening for any sign of the return of the German and the Chinese, then came out of his shelter and started up the gully. But going up was slower than coming down, and by the time he reached the Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes upper end the sun was showing beef brisket recipes
of appearing. He paused here to breathe and consider; the stony slope looked horribly exposed; still, there it was, a naked streak of hillside he would have to climb a hundred feet to get round. So . . . Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes He got to his feet, squared his shoulders and walked steadily over crock pot meals recipes
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of these: a great jumble of squarish and near-rectangular stone blocks twenty and thirty feet high and stretching for half a mile, piled next to and upon Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes and across one another so haphazardly that gaining ten yards in the desired direction meant climbing and descending twice as many. Above and below crock pot meals recipes
cliffs. On Bonds outward journey it had taken him fifty minutes to cross this dump of outsize nursery bricks; even now Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes he could not hope to do it in less than thirty. Still, once past it there was a short rise to a level platform of rock, and after that an crock pot meals recipes
descent to the beach and the boat. On with it, then. In the event it took Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes him well over the half-hour. He was moving up on to the rock platform when a man on the far side of it got up and levelled a revolver at him. He was a tall man in beef brisket recipes
cheap dark suit, now crumpled and torn. Binoculars in Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes a green plastic case were slung across his shoulder. He said in a thick Russian accent, Good morning, Mister Shems Bond, and sniggered.
Bond stood stock still and waited.
I see you from . . . up, the man went on in a tone crock pot meals recipes
good-humoured explanation. Now Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes . . . we go up. He pointed to the hillside with his left hand. Bond made no move. No? Then . . . shoot you. Not too bad. The Russian slapped his leg. Friend of me . . . up. He made hoisting and carrying motions, Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes but the revolver never bread machine recipes for easter bread
Is difficult. You fall maybe. Me . . . thats all right. Another snigger. It was plain enough. The only hope was to wait for a chance of finding a moments cover from the revolver during the proposed climb and before the Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes absent friend made his appearance. Bond nodded. Good boy. A gold-toothed enchilada sauce restaurant recipes
Come to here. The left hand indicated a point on the platform well beyond rushing distance. Bond went to it.
Now . . . gun of you. Slow, please. Slow slow.
The revolver pointed steadily at Bonds Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes breast-bone. Nobody can aim and fire faster than a man already on aim can fire. Helplessly, easy peach pie recipes
took the Walther from his hip pocket and held it out in the palm of his hand. Intelligent. Throw . . . away. Another chance gone. Bond tossed his automatic aside Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes and heard it land on rock. Friend of you - a gesture towards the beach - no good, eh? Now . . . recipes for grilling fish
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returned. There was one echo of the shot, distant and delayed. The mans gun-arm had dropped. His eyes Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes held Bonds with a dreadful look of puzzlement, of pleading to be told how this thing could have happened. Bond said hoarsely, Youve been shot with a rifle, from the beach. His heart was beef brisket recipes
He never knew if his message was understood. The Russian had Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipes half .
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