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He decided to send the artifact back to England and shipped it on the Empress of Ireland, a liner that on May 29, 1914, collided with another ship in the St. Lawrence River and sank with a loss of more than a thousand lives-presumably, along Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes with the mummy case and its cherry dessert recipes
yarn, Montague mused, but absolute fiction. The mummy case in question never had left England and was still in the British Museum; he had seen it himself. Yet the instigator of that wonderfully phony story had always intrigued Derek Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes Montague. He wondered why William Stead, a true follower of mysticism, hadnt chicken breast roasted in wine recipes
one of those people who had dire premonitions about the Titanics voyage. There were plenty of these: a woman passenger who tried to change her booking at the last minute because she had an Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes uneasy feeling something was going to happen to the ship but was talked out of it by a easy hamburger meat recipes
White Star agent, the wives of several crew members who expressed similar fears to their husbands. One of them was the manager of the Titanics à la Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes carte restaurant, Luigi Gatti; his wife had asked him not to go because she had a strange foreboding. Gatti was a survivor, and to healthy thanksgiving recipes
dying day never forgot his wifes warning. Of course, every major disaster brought premonition claimants out of the woodwork in droves. The Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes people who swore they had canceled their reservation on a flight that eventually crashed often outnumbered those who had actually perished. Still, Montague knew many of the premonition incidents involving cherry dessert recipes
Titanic had been verified, and that, too, was part of the ships power to intrigue, Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes tantalize, and utterly grip the imagination. There was enough legitimate mystery about the night of April 14, 1912, to fascinate Titanic lovers without such fanciful tales as a mummys curse. One such was the coal fire that italian ricotta desserts recipes
broken out in number ten bunker on the starboard Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes side of boiler room six. It had started in Belfast and was still burning when the ship reached Southampton to pick up the first load of passengers and the rest of the crew. Captain Smith knew about the fire but was assured chicken breast roasted in wine recipes
his chief engineer Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes and Harland & Wolff inspectors that the blaze did not put the liner at any risk. It could be extinguished fully when additional stokers boarded at Southampton, and there was no sign that it had affected the bunker bulkhead. Smith thought so little of the incident, Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes he made no mention italian ricotta desserts recipes
any fire in his log, and neither did the Board of Trade inspector whose final report cleared the Titanic as seaworthy and ready to sail. Presumably, the problem was fixed either at Southampton, when the other stokers came aboard, or at Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes Cherbourg, where the ship picked up the remaining passengers. Putting cherry dessert recipes
fire out, if it was still burning, would have been a simple task; all they had to do was remove the coal from the affected bunker and/or keep hosing it down, as they had started Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes to do before the liner left Belfast. Yet, Montague realized, no one knew to this day whether cherry dessert recipes
fire was ever extinguished or exactly when. There were those who speculated that an unchecked bunker fire might have weakened the bulkhead and thus played a role in the Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes sinking, the theory being that a heat-weakened bulkhead could have triggered the progressive.
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