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Weve got some great pictures of the Titanics interior. Lets release them, along with details on how we accomplished this feat with our new diving hardware. We can say there also was an attempt to recover gold supposedly shipped Easy Pie Crust Recipes in 1912, but that there was fried catfish recipes
sign of any bullion. Which may or may not have been true; well never know whether that crate contained lead or gold. I suspect the latter, but we have no proof. Nor do I blame Lieutenant Commander Mitchell. As Easy Pie Crust Recipes I indicated to you, sir, impossible though it sounds, I think he cookie recipes made with bananas
the ship when he threw that crate overboard. The President shook his head, but it was more a gesture of wonderment than disbelief. The supernatural aspects of this just defy the imagination. I agree Easy Pie Crust Recipes with you that the press would have a field day. Thats what I fear most from any kind recipes
a leak, just as you do. Cornell took the deep breath of a man about to plunge into icy waters. Sir, Id be willing to chance a leak. Easy Pie Crust Recipes If it happens, it can be handled. As far as the Navys concerned, we can just say some unusual things happened for which there baked turkey breast recipes
no scientific explanations. Id even be tempted to refer all media queries to Dr. Henning. Hell write that book anyway, and Easy Pie Crust Recipes Im sure he isnt going to do a hatchet job on the United States Navy. The President sighed. It will be quite a book. Well, Admiral, its probably the best course, cookie recipes made with bananas
let me talk to the CNO before I make a final decision. By the way, Easy Pie Crust Recipes what was the name of that diver who was killed? Robert Nader, sir. Have someone in your office get me the names and address or addresses of his next of kin. Today. Id like to write them personal recipes zucchini bread with apple sauce
you, Mr. President. Ill do that. Cornell sensed the meeting Easy Pie Crust Recipes was over and rose to leave. The President stopped him. Admiral, how about the next of kin for the other fellow who died? A similar letter might be in order. Sir, Cornell said softly, Derek Montague had no living relatives. THE END. Authors Postscript It is possible chicken wing recipes
Titanic buffs more Easy Pie Crust Recipes expert than I will find technical lapses in this narrative. Yet this is a work of fiction based partially on fact, and I can only ask their indulgence toward one who shares their love of the great liner. The truth about the exploration of the Titanics Easy Pie Crust Recipes interior is that no fried catfish recipes
being has ever entered the sunken ship. Thus, the interior scenes, like the characters participating in the two expeditions, are totally imaginary. (However, there really was an 1898 novel called Futility, which uncannily predicted the Titanics fate.) I must pay special thanks Easy Pie Crust Recipes to Jared Kieling, an editor of consummate skill, who detoured cookie recipes made with bananas
away from many false paths as we explored the Titanic together. My sincere appreciation to the following: Thomas Speedy Rice for valuable legal background on the rules of salvage. John Chase and William Felix for data on gold Easy Pie Crust Recipes value and bullion shipments. Aaron Priest, agent and old friend, for his usual support, encouragement, and advice. Megan fried catfish recipes
Todd Ellerman, Joey Arone, and my incredibly patient wife, Priscilla Serling, for their aid with a word processor. Mac Plus, which made rewriting easier if not pleasurable. Of the many Easy Pie Crust Recipes books on the Titanic disaster I consulted for background material, by far the most valuable was Ballards own The Discovery of th.