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Ideally, 007 should identify the enemy agents entrusted with his abduction, evade capture and tail them to the next higher echelon with a view to locating M.
2. This can be ruled out as a practical proposition. 007 will be unable to identify these agents in Free Crock Pot Recipes Low Fat advance, and the degree of practical chicken florentine recipes
displayed in the Quarterdeck operation strongly suggests that they will render evasion of capture impossible. 3. Therefore, 007 must invite capture and depend on the following safeguards: (a) Operatives of Station G will keep 007 under surveillance at all times and Free Crock Pot Recipes Low Fat trace the movements of the abduction party with a view to intervention chicken florentine recipes
force. (b) A midget homing-transmitter will await 007 on arrival in Athens for installation in his clothing. (c) Escape devices in clothing. (a) and (b): Head of Station G for action. (b) and (c): Head of Q Free Crock Pot Recipes Low Fat Branch for action. Bond smiled thinly to himself. Station G was famous throughout the Service; its Head, a mild-looking cancun drink recipes
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Men like the ones who had planned and carried Free Crock Pot Recipes Low Fat out the Quarterdeck operation would be unlikely to overlook any of them. Bond realized grimly that, on this assignment as on all his previous ones, the tools he basically had to depend on were invisible, intangible, within himself. They would be tested cheap chicken breast recipes
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betrayal under torture, dictates that no agent shall have any knowledge of his co-agents that is not absolutely necessary.) The place seemed full of conventional business and professional types and their women, Athenian bankers, ship-owners from the islands, politicians from Salonika, Free Crock Pot Recipes Low Fat less readily classifiable visitors from Istanbul, Sofia, Bucharest - not recipes using bisquick
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