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And the girl certainly was a beauty . . . . And there was nothing to be lost. He made his decision.
Bring it to me in a moment, please, he told the waiter, walked across and sat down next to the Turk on the corner Gluten Free Flour Recipes of the green plush bench. Now is all this?
Hes annoying me, said the girl with much resentment. He says awful, obscene things to me. I beg you to get rid of him.
Bonds Greek was small but well-chosen. He leant close to the man, who was Gluten Free Flour Recipes staring at him contemptuously, and said in his deadliest tone, Fíye apo
This, though probably as obscene as anything the man had been saying to the girl, is a standard Greek insult. What made it effective was Bonds air of determination and his sudden grip Gluten Free Flour Recipes on the mans nearer arm. There was a pause while the two men stared at each other and
tightened his grip, noticing half-consciously that the arm was distinctly harder than its owners general corpulence would have suggested. Then the Turk quickly and quite calmly let Gluten Free Flour Recipes go the girl, waited for his own arm to be released, rose to his feet, adjusted his jacket, and walked out of the bar. departure did not go unnoticed by the two couples Bond had picked out earlier. Thank you, said the girl in excellent Gluten Free Flour Recipes American English. Im sorry about that. I could see no other way without a public disturbance. You dealt with him very competently. She chuckled suddenly, a warm-hearted, gay sound that
remarkably quick recovery from the fear she had been displaying. You must have had practice.
Shall Gluten Free Flour Recipes we have a drink? asked Bond, raising his hand. Yes, I rescue girls from obscenity-spouting Turks all the time.
Thank you. Tzimas isnt a Turk. He just behaves like one. But he is obscene. My family have pushing me at him - he has a good Gluten Free Flour Recipes carpet-manufacturing business here. After this tonight my mother will talk to my father and therell be no more pushing in that direction. Are you married?
Bond smiled. No. I sometimes think I never will be. What will you have?
Ouzo and ice, said the glancing up at Gluten Free Flour Recipes the waiter. Not that Sans Rival stuff you serve all the time. Have you Boutari?
Certainly, madam. And for you, sir?
The same. Plenty of ice.
You know ouzo? The girl looked at Bond consideringly. You know Greece well?
Greece I know a little and love what I know. Gluten Free Flour Recipes Ouzo I know much a Greek version of Pernod with a much more sinister smell but similar effects. Love would be too starry-eyed a word to use there.
Thats a slander. And not accurate. The French took it from us and flavoured it with aniseed and Gluten Free Flour Recipes dyed it green. Horrible! My name is Ariadne Alexandrou.
Mine is James Bond. How did you know just now that I spoke English?
The girl laughed again. Most people do. And you look English, Mr Bond. Nobody could mistake you, not even for an American.
As a matter Gluten Free Flour Recipes of fact Im not strictly English at all. Half Scottish, half Swiss.
The English have swallowed y.
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