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He went up to an empty counter and offered his paperwork to an officer who scanned the passport and asked inane questions about where hed been. Treloar gave him the truth about his mother, how he had gone to Russia to visit her grave and Grilling Fish Recipes tend to it. The officer nodded crockpot pinto bean recipes
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Treloar dared to glance over his shoulder. At the other end, Jon Smith was at an immigration counter reserved for diplomats and aircrews. Why would he...? Of course! Smith was Pentagon. He would Grilling Fish Recipes be traveling on a military ID, not on a civilian passport. Holding his card, Treloar approached the customs agent. Traveling fried turkey recipes
sir, the agent commented. Remembering his instructions, Treloar explained that he had had his bags sent on ahead, using a bonded courier service that catered to well-heeled travelers Grilling Fish Recipes who were not inclined to wrestle with their own suitcases. Familiar with the arrangements, the agent waved him through. Out of the corner of his turkey casserole recipes
Treloar caught Smith walking up to the same agent. He veered right, so as not to walk across Smiths line of Grilling Fish Recipes sight. No, sir, the agent called out. You go left. Treloar turned abruptly and almost ran into the tunnel that connected to the terminal. Dr. Smith? He turned to the customs agent walking up simple pumpkin pie recipes
him. Yes? Theres a call for you, sir. You can take it in there. The agent opened Grilling Fish Recipes the door to an interview room where detained travelers were questioned. Pointing to a phone on the desk, he said, Line one. This is Smith. Jon, its Randi. Randi! Listen. There isnt much time. I just got a positive ID simple pumpkin pie recipes
that guy in the picture. Hes Adam Treloar. Smith clenched Grilling Fish Recipes the receiver. Youre sure? Positive. We cleaned up the video enough to get a good print, which I shipped over to the embassy. Dont worry. Whatever the cat is, its still in the bag. I made Treloar a prospective investor and asked for fried turkey recipes
standard background check. What Grilling Fish Recipes did you find out? His mother was Russian, Jon. She died a while ago. Treloar comes over frequently, to pay his respects, I guess. Oh, and he was on the same flight as you--- American 1710. Smith was stunned. Randi, I cant thank you enough. But I Grilling Fish Recipes have to run. What do crockpot dinner recipes