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Has he ever worked with a partner?
Never. Beria has always been a solo operator. That is one of the reasons he has eluded capture: he leaves no one we can connect him to. I think hes using the other man for cover.
Something about the picture Italian Chicken Recipes refused to let Smith go.
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be able to get the tape enhanced. At your embassy? Kirov asked. Smith shrugged. What do you say? Kirov considered. Very well. Telegin--- did she have a laptop or a cell phone? Both. I can check them too. Kirov nodded. Ill have a security officer escort Italian Chicken Recipes you to my building. Both items are in the kitchen. Which brings me whole chicken recipes
my last question, Smith said. What if Beria isnt in the terminal?
Kirovs eyes widened as he grasped the implications of Smiths words. I need the designations and destinations of the last three flights Italian Chicken Recipes that left before shutdown, he told the director.
Smith looked at the time imprinted on the videotape, then at italian cake recipes
screen where the security director was pulling up the departures schedule. Swissair 101, Air France 612, American 1710. Beria could have made it onboard any one of them. Get Italian Chicken Recipes me the tapes of the cameras that cover the jetways to those flights, Kirov snapped. And the passenger manifests. As the director hurried away, Kirov turkey cutlet recipes
to Smith. Its possible Beria made those flights, Jon, but unlikely. The odds are that he got out of the airport Italian Chicken Recipes but is still in the city. Smith knew what Kirov was intimating. There were three airliners, with a combined load of over a thousand people, headed into Western Europe. Was Smith cold german potato salad recipes
to create a series of international incidents on the possibility that Beria was onboard one Italian Chicken Recipes of those planes? And if the situation were reversed, General? Smith asked. If the destination wasnt Zurich, Paris, or London, but Moscow? Wouldnt you want to know? Or would you be okay with the odds? Kirov stared smoked turkey breast recipes
him, nodded, then reached for the phone.
Kirov was closer Italian Chicken Recipes to the truth than he realized: Beria had gotten out of the airport, and he was still in Moscow. But not for much longer.
Beria had left the airport the way hed arrived--- by shuttle bus. Except this one took him directly to recipes fish batter
central bus depot. Entering Italian Chicken Recipes the chilly, dilapidated building, Beria went directly to the counter and purchased a one-way ticket to St. Petersburg. With twenty minutes to spare, he went into a washroom that smelled of urine and industrial cleaner and splashed water on his face. When he came out, Italian Chicken Recipes he bought several greasy turkey cutlet recipes
from a woman behind a stall and wolfed them down with a glass of tea. Fortified, he joined the line of passengers waiting at the departure bay. Beria scanned the faces around him. They belonged mainly to older people, some of whom, Italian Chicken Recipes he guessed, were traveling with all their worldly possessions packed free convection oven recipes
cardboard suitcases or taped-up packages. Beaten down by circumstances, invisible to the new moneyed class, they were less than anonymous. No militia would ever bother checking their papers; no cameras would record their departure. Best Italian Chicken Recipes of all, everyone would keep to themselves, not wanting to borrow from their neighbors hardship. Beria slipped whole chicken recipes
the back of the bus, to the long seat that ran the width of the vehicle. He huddled in the corner and listened to the grinding of the transmission Italian Chicken Recipes as the driver backed out. Soon afterward, the roar of the engine diminished, the traffic beyond the window stilled, an.