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That you already had a contact in the United States. Why, Yuri? Is Klein your ace in the hole?
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Where are you? What did you find that was so terrible you had to compromise your secrets and risk your life to bring it out?
The questions gnawed at Smith. Since Danko Mexican Pastry Recipes had severed all contact, there were no answers to be had. According to Klein, the Russian would be chicken brine recipes
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was moored at the dock next to the Palazzo delle Prigioni on the Rio di Palazzo. Smith could have Danko on Mexican Pastry Recipes the boat within three minutes of spotting him. They would be airborne an hour later. Where are you? Smith was reaching for his coffee when something drifted across his peripheral vision: a chocolate cookie recipes
man skirting the edge of a tour group. Maybe a part of it, maybe not. Mexican Pastry Recipes He wore a weatherproof nylon jacket and a golfers cap; a thick beard and large wraparound sunglasses concealed his face. But there was something about him. Smith continued to watch, then saw it--- a slight limp in grilled zucchini recipes
left leg. Yuri Danko had been born with a Mexican Pastry Recipes left leg one inch shorter than his right. Even a custom-made platform shoe could not fully disguise the limp. Smith shifted in his chair and adjusted his newspaper so that he could follow Dankos movements. The Russian was using the tour group very grilled zucchini recipes
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A few tourists broke away from the group, heading for the small snack bar next to the café next door. Smith did not stir as they passed his table, chattering to one another. Only when Danko was passing by did he Mexican Pastry Recipes look up. No ones using this chair. Smith watched as Danko turned, chocolate cookie recipes
recognizing Smiths voice. Jon? Its me, Yuri. Go on, sit down. The Russian slipped into the chair, bewilderment etched across his face. But Mr. Klein... He sent you? Do you work---.