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Large swells pushed their way through the unprotected half and crashed hard into boulders at the base of the cliff-sending forth spectacular plumes and rooster tails that were whipped skyward by the sea wind that also beat against the cliff and rose in an updraft.
Actually, Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy the cliff was an upside-down triangle-broad diabetic crockpot recipes
the top and narrow at the bottom. Unfortunately, the window of their imprisoning room was directly above the two-hundred-foot stretch of boulders at the apex. It was an awesome drop straight down from their window-five hundred feet at least. The Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy brushy sides of the inlet were too steep for buildings but not mix drink recipes
steep for a careful hiker, indeed, to Lucien and Susans left, wooden stairs zigzagged down the eastern slope of the inlet. These stairs, which included a rope safety rail to accommodate sufferers of Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy vertigo, wound down to a thin strip of gravelly beach that ended where larger rocks began, the larger gourmet dessert recipes
becoming the boulders that received the surf straight on.
Seaward, the beach widened and there was a dock that accommodated three sailboats and two powerboats, and a spare Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy berth. The sailboats were protected by a jetty that stretched halfway across the mouth of the inlet. There was a concrete helicopter pad next mix drink recipes
the boathouse, presumably to ferry Pak Tze Fan and his guests to the villa at the top of the cliff. There was Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy a small island opposite the inlet, a pale gray shape in the distance. There were no buildings on either edge of the inlet. Salvant and Wu could hear only the sound diabetic crockpot recipes
the surf crashing on the boulders far below and the sounds of daytime insects taking Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy over from their nocturnal brethren By Hong Kong standards, their room was spacious in the extreme, and lavishly furnished. Their king-size bed was dressed with silk sheets and pillowcases. They had a rattan sofa that was at gourmet dessert recipes
eight feet long-Salvant was able to stretch out without Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy touching either end with his head or feet. Salvant and Wu also had two comfortable chairs, and a coffee table on which their captors had left a pile of magazines for them to read. The adjoining bathroom had soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and free ramen noodle recipes
an electric razor, Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy and towels. There was no telephone, and they had no radio or television set. The seaward wall of the villa was totally devoid of ledges or architectural frills between windows. Theres nothing to loop onto or hold onto anywhere, Salvant said. Thatd give me the spooks, leaning Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy out like that. Salvant ducked recipes south beach diet plan
head back inside. Maybe Boydll send commandos up the side of the cliff like Gregory Peck in The Guns of Navarone Human flies and all that. Susan Wu joined him at the window and gave a timid peek down at the rocks. Recipes For Traditional Mexican Candy Sure, with Sing Sing in the lead dressed in a recipes south beach diet plan
outfit and wi.
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