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That position, as youll note, is forty-one degrees, forty-six minutes north and fifty degrees, fourteen minutes west. As Trevor and I have mentioned in previous discussions, we are convinced this latitude and longitude were wrong, simply the result of the relatively primitive navigational methods of Simple Slow Cooker Recipes that era.
The pencil moved a few pillsbury bisquick recipes
across the chart, poising over a small blue circle and then descending until the tip rested in the middle of the circle. This indicates a latitude of fifty degrees, one minute west and forty degrees, forty minutes north. It is Simple Slow Cooker Recipes our opinion that well find the Titanic within a five-mile radius of easy chicken parmesan recipes
position. The dining saloon was tomb-silent, every mind in the room weighing what she had said: a chance for quick success or, if the oceanographers were wrong, weeks of frustration and probable failure. Chaney continued. Simple Slow Cooker Recipes Basically, we added Trevors and my knowledge of ocean currents to all the evidence supporting the one salient elephant bar drink recipes
namely, that Fourth Officer Boxhalls final position fix had to be erroneous. As youve heard me say on more than one occasion, the Carpathia came upon the Simple Slow Cooker Recipes Titanics lifeboats at the position, Boxhall had given his radio operators, yet those lifeboats had been rowing for two hours. There was no sign elephant bar drink recipes
wreckage, so the Titanic could not possibly have sunk at the spot. But this was not the only evidence we worked from. Simple Slow Cooker Recipes I call your attention to the Leyland liner Californian, the infamous ship stuck in an ice pack only a few miles from the sinking Titanic, the ship, that ignored the restaurant fried catfish recipes
clearly visible distress rockets, the ship whose captain went back to sleep even after he Simple Slow Cooker Recipes was told about those rockets. Derek Montague furnished us with a copy of the Californians official log for the night of April 14, 1912. It shows that she came to a stop at ten-thirty at night fourth of july dessert recipes
did not start her engines again until six oclock Simple Slow Cooker Recipes the following morning, having received word that the Titanic had gone down three and a half hours earlier. At that point in time, the Californian had drifted approximately five nautical miles, a distance indicating that she had been carried by a south-southeast fourth of july dessert recipes
running at seven-tenths Simple Slow Cooker Recipes of a knot. Now as Ive already explained, we know the Titanics lifeboats drifted or rowed south; thats obvious from the position at which the Carpathia found them and the direction from which they were coming. So Trevor and I fed all this data, plus what Simple Slow Cooker Recipes we have learned about easy chicken parmesan recipes
currents in more recent years, into the computer Martin Lefferts so generously provided us-Lefferts grinned and bowed his head slightly-and regression analysis confirmed the position Ive just shown you on the chart. Any more questions? They resumed their seats and Hawke said, Simple Slow Cooker Recipes Ive got one.. The same question Ive asked you and low fat chicken recipes
before, and which you declined to answer until you determined the probable wreck site. Whats the sea bottom like in that area? I know the topography of the ocean floor can be as rugged as Simple Slow Cooker Recipes the Himalayas or your own Rockies, with mountains, valleys, canyons- She stopped him. Thats the magic word. pillsbury bisquick recipes
Lefferts exclaimed. You mean shes at the bottom of some deep hole where she cant be reached? Maybe even out of sight? Its not as bad as you might think, Simple Slow Cooker Recipes Van Buren said. There is a submarine canyon in this general area. Oceanographers, in fact, refer to it as the Titanic Canyon, pillsbury bisquick recipes
actually this is a misnomer. Its more of a large trough or valley running northeast to southwest, with a number of tributaries. The Simple Slow Cooker Recipes ship may be resting smack in the middle of the trough or perhaps in one of its offshoots. The depth of.
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