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to the harshest conditions. The very best, like Colonel Jon Smith, bridged the two worlds. They also possessed one factor that disqualified so many Klein looked at: their Sugar Free Jam Recipes lives were strictly their own. They had little or no family, few encumbrances, and a professional reputation that would stand up to the closest thai chicken salad recipes

These were invaluable assets for an individual sent in harms way thousands of miles from home. Klein closed the folder on the Sugar Free Jam Recipes report he had been reading, removed his glasses, and rubbed his weary eyes. He was looking forward to going home, being greeted by his cocker spaniel, Buck, and enjoying a crockpot chicken thigh recipes

of single-malt scotch followed by whatever dinner his housekeeper had left in the oven. He Sugar Free Jam Recipes was about to get up when the connecting door to the next room opened. Nathaniel? The speaker was a trim woman a few years younger than Klein, with bright robins eyes and graying blond hair done in a whole grain bread machine recipes

twist. She wore a conservative blue business suit accented Sugar Free Jam Recipes by a string of pearls and a filigree gold bracelet. I thought youd gone home, Maggie. Maggie Templeton, whod been Kleins assistant for the ten years he had worked at the National Security Agency, arched her neatly sculptured brows. When was the last time I treasury of top secret recipes

before you did? Sugar Free Jam Recipes Good thing I didnt, too. Youd better have a look at this. Klein followed Maggie into the next room, which was really one large computer station. Three monitors were lined up side by side, along with a host of servers and storage units, all driven by Sugar Free Jam Recipes the governments most advanced turkey sausage recipes

Klein stood back and admired the dexterity and proficiency with which Maggie worked her keyboard. It was like watching a virtuoso performance by a concert pianist. Besides the president, Maggie Templeton was the only person familiar with the entire workings of Covert-One. Sugar Free Jam Recipes Knowing he would need a skilled and trusted right hand, chocolate zucchini bread recipes

had insisted on Maggies being involved from the get-go. Besides having worked for him at the NSA, she had better than twenty years experience as a senior CIA administrator.

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