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And it looked exactly like London Bridge, as they had seen many times in history books.
Rockson smacked his forehead and said, I remember reading that some millionaire bought the whole bridge, and shipped it over to Arizona - that was when the Brits needed money Turkey Chili Recipes badly. A few decades before World quick easy recipes
Three. No one in Century City knows where the bridge was sent and reconstructed. Until now. Here it is. Why take London Bridge to Arizona? Did they need a bridge that bad? I think I remember reading that some entrepreneur type Turkey Chili Recipes thought it would be a good tourist attraction. And so the mystery of martha stewart cookies recipes
bridge to nowhere is solved. Danik said. My companions - the two that died here - are entombed behind one of the big rocks in the bridge foundation. The mortar was cracked and Turkey Chili Recipes weak. I and my surviving friends thought it would be a good grave. Rockson and the others whipped their cheap chicken breast recipes
up to traverse the distance to the spot Danik indicated. There were still signs of the massive bridge foundation rock, at the edge of the water, having Turkey Chili Recipes been removed and replaced. A good place, Detroit said. We will not disturb them. Rockson and the team came upon a fallen, rust-pocked sign, lifted it. quick easy recipes
said. Welcome to London Bridge, Havasu City Arizona. Youre right. Rock, Rona said, You sure are a history buff. Rockson frowned. We have Turkey Chili Recipes only one problem now - which way from here to Eden? Danik said, Doesnt the notebook show? I didnt want to tell anybody this - but, Rockson admitted, the notebook didnt start quick easy recipes
Dutil started writing it after he saw this bridge. He found the toy sextant here Turkey Chili Recipes in a - lets see . . . Rockson flipped through the pages. Here it is, he found the sextant in Ye olde nautical gift shoppe. There, right next to the bridge. Then, Rona said despondently, we chuys restaurant recipes
no way of finding Eden.
Yes, we do, Danik shouted Turkey Chili Recipes exultantly. Returning here, seeing the tomb of my friends did something - I can remember - not a lot, but something.
What? Rock asked, with great emotion.
I remember that the first week we traveled, the week that brought us this far, cold and quick easy recipes
and with two Turkey Chili Recipes of us deathly sick, was all spent traveling directly north... Following the North Star, Rock said, remembering Daniks tale. Yes, I followed the North Star on the clear nights. We found shelter and slept in the slightly warmer days. I know that we came directly from Turkey Chili Recipes the south of here. Rockson mexican marinade recipes
Great. Well set out as soon as we take a look around here - for the record. And to see if anyone was here first. We might not be the only people seeking Eden, he said darkly. They went into the gift Turkey Chili Recipes shoppe and, because there were few windows, lit a Coleman bartender drink recipes
Rock seated himself at a table, the Freefighters and Danik gathered around him. He unfolded the detailed topographical map the Freefighter carried. It was ancient, drawn on the basis of satellite photographs from the twentieth Turkey Chili Recipes century. Now we know where we are, and we know - he said, drawing his finger down recipes butternut squash
of the U.S. - Mexican border, approximately where we are going. A weeks walking distance is about - here. Rocks finger had.